Monday, 16 November 2015


The trailer for ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ uses many narrative techniques typical of Hollywood comedy/crime. Applying Propp's character theory, there’s no clear hero in the film but a clear protagonist in the character Jordan Belfort.  In many ways, he is shown to be the a money hungry egotistical character and is destined to be caught and captured by the FBI that drives the narrative, as he is the main protagonist of whom the audience will sympathise with. Jonah Hill offers the classic sidekick character while Rob Reiner plays the typical brother role. These well-known character types quickly help establish Propp’s theory of narrative. Likewise, Todrov’s theory the equilibrium of the film is shown at the beginning of the trailer; Jordan Belfort is a successful trader on Wall Street where he is excelling in the corporate hierarchy. The disequilibrium is utilized in the trailer when the FBI agents begin to investigate Belfort for several of different crimes. These key seniors in the trailer help institute Todorov’s theory. There are many enigma codes in the trailer using Barthes theory. For example: Is this legal? What will happen to the money? Will Jordon Belfort get arrested? These enigma codes are effective as they intrigue and interest the audience to go watch the film. There are also quite a few action codes relating to tension in the film. When the car chase takes place is one key event supporting Barthes theory. Another action code is when Belfort was holding the gun signifying,  something unpleasant might occur linking to Barthes other theory of enigma codes as it makes the audience question whether the will make the right decision. 

Friday, 6 November 2015

Dependency Theory 

I predominately use the media for entertainment purposes for example social media and video sites such as YouTube. I also use the media to find information about things I am interested in such as football and global news.

I beleive  that we are dependent to the media until we get exhausted of using that particular kind of media or in the event that we have another thing to do which isn't connected to the media, for exanple going to play sports.

Monday, 2 November 2015


Psychographic group:

Names : Thomas & Dora

Where do they work/study?

They're currently taking a gap year from University.

What do they do in their spare time?

During their spare time, they usually travel, they live in London from abroad and go to different types of theme parks.
Now suggest their media consumption:

Print: What newspapers/magazines does your group read (if any)? Is this on paper or tablet? 

The read Travel Magazines and The Guardian Newspaper to find out what is happening in and around the world.

Broadcast: What TV programmes/channels do your group watch? Radio stations? TV package – Freeview or Sky? Films?

They watch the National Geographical Channel, Discovery Channel and watch the news.

E-Media: What technology do they own? What websites do they visit (if any)?

iPads, Navigational systems and Smartphones.


After taking the test, the two results I got was 'Control and Survival'. In my opinion, I agree with these one of the photographic groups which is 'control' because control is all about being successful and that is one of my aims in life; to become a successful person. However, I disagree with the other group because survival is all about the resigned people, who are mainly the elderly people which I am not .

Monday, 12 October 2015

Blog feedback learner response

Learner Response

In my first month of AS Media I can honestly say that I am really interested in the course. My strongest piece of work in my first month would be the Institution task where we had to pair up and present our specific company to the class. I believe this task was my strongest as I believe I gave the class valid and interesting Information about Sony. My weakest piece of work would be the introduction to media as it was half completed as I never took much time on it. A specific knowledge I need to develop in my time in AS Media would be  Dyer's Lines of Appeal.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Brand Values

Premier League

1.) The Premier League comes across as the home of competitive football. The premier leagues brand values would be about quality football and entertainment. The Premier League into several of Dyers line of appeal. Successful careers- as it’s the most successful league in the world it promotes one of the best players in world meaning it could lead successful careers. Self-importance and pride links to the Premier League taking football seriously and its viewers and supporters having the shire passion in watching the team whatever the score maybe.

2.)The Premier League is about quality football and entertainment.

3.) Desire 


1.)Volkswagen originates across as a car for families. Volkswagen in German means"peoples car", which can support the idea of the car being made for the people. As the company is also somewhat old it can be linked back to dependability, although this can be tarnished because of the recent PR disaster. The brand values of Volkswagen would be happy families, as the company creates a sense of belonging as it is well known for its family cars and connecting to the people. It could also link to elite people or experts as the Germans are known for being good constructors as the company is many years old which supports the view of their cars being manufactured by experienced people.

       2.)Volkswagen is about providing good quality cars to the people.



1.) The Disney brand focuses on the magical and family friendly points of life and appeals to. Its brand     values are happy families which can be seen within their creations and the families who are the audience to the aforementioned creations. They could also fit into successful careers - Disney usually use loyal directors and actors within their productions and also have the need for a diversity of skills from numerous ages which could mean that almost anyone can have a effective career with Disney, notwithstanding of their sector of work

2.) The Disney brand is about family friendly productions and careers

3.) Family


1.) The Nike brand is one that endorses success and passion predominantly within sports. Its brand values would be elite people or experts and successful careers in lines of appeal. They advocate their products as something that would advantage the audience in their effort to achieve their honourable dreams in order to become their idol, whom would most likely be an expert in their sport. It would similarly suggest that owning a Nike product will assist their audience in the work they do to be positive and will be a vital support to get you to where you want to be.

2.) The Nike brand is one that endorses success and passion

3.) Success 

Monday, 5 October 2015

Sony- Mamduh + Mandev
  • ·         Good visual starter, quick but engages class successfully.
  • ·         
  • Quite general detail on Sony- I’d like this to focus more on the media side- games, films and music rather the hardware.
  • ·          Size and influence is communicated effectively.
  • ·         Superb slide of synergy talking about the cross- promotion of different Sony brands and products. This is a really strong point and very important for this key concept.
  • ·         Lesson ends point and very suddenly – a final activity or plenary might help here to encourage people to remember certain aspects.
  • ·         Also would have been mice to include some big Sony Films/ artists. 


- We didn't have more than 20 words on each slide of the power point. 

- Handouts were very detailed

- Our synergy was clear and we went into a lot of detail when explaining it; even though we only had pictures, everyone knew what we were talking about.


- We should have talked a little bit more about Sony's PlayStation. 

We needed a plenary at the end, so everyone can at least remember one thing from what we taught them.

- Spend a little more time on the starter.

Monday, 14 September 2015

The central image and the text on the side is typical of a commercial advert. The central image of 50 cent symbolises Reebok determination to modernise their brand. 50 cent is a well known rapper who symbioses success and  talent  which Reebok try utilise his representation. The fingerprint background could imply Reebok determination to excel and perhaps break free from a hard up bringing which Reebok here try employ.

Applying Halls theory the opposite reading of this advert could be gang violence. Due to 50 cents stern facial expression it could connote anger, intimidation and criminality. This could be seen to some people in the world who have negative views of Nike.

Introduction To Media

Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read?
I read the daily mail from time to time and I also read the telegraph.
What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why?
I read online so I just scroll down the page reading and read what I find interesting.
What sections do you never read, and why?
The sections I never read is the news stories about politics it really don’t interest me.
What kinds of stories do you usually read and why?
I read international and national stories concerning crime.
Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read?
I don’t buy any types of newspapers as I have numerous of different sources of extracting my current affairs.
Do you look at the online versions of any newspapers? Which newspapers? Why do you visit their website and not others?
I tend to visit the mail online and the telegraph online sometimes. I visit these ones because they are two completely different papers which mean I can two different prospectives.

What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly?  Why
I don’t really buy magazines but when I do is when I am travelling and I usually buy match of the day or fourfourtwo.
What sections of the magazines do you read and not read, and why?
I usually read the section about the champions league and the premier league.
Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television?
I watch approximately 3 hours of television.
What times of day do you usually watch television?
At the evening 
What programmes do you like best and why?
I really like american TV  series as they are very different and original.
Do you watch alone or with others? If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch?
I tend to watch TV alone.
Do you watch 'live' TV or on-demand/catch-up? Do you use any other devices to watch TV (such as laptop of tablet?)
I watch them on demand as I would be busy when the show i want to watch is on TV.

Do you listen to the radio?
I don't listen to the radio that often.

What films have you seen in the cinema in the last month?
I seen the film Straight Outta Compton
What films have you seen in other places – for example, through rental, satellite film channels (free or otherwise) or through video-on-demand?
I have recently watched the movie The Equalizer as it didn't get the chance to watch it on TV.
Who else watched the films with you?
No one else
Who decided what films to watch?
What devices do you typically use to watch films: TV, laptop, tablet, phone etc.?
PlayStation or laptop

Where do you access the internet?  At home, at college or school, or at work?

I would normally access it at home but sometimes outside when I am travelling somewhere far.
What are the main sites that you access?
I would always goes onto Twitter or YouTube.
What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment?
Sometimes I would go onto the internet to do homework, purchasing items but mainly for entertainment, hence why I use the internet when I'm bored
What different devices do you use to access the internet? What is your primary device for accessing the internet?
I would normally access the internet from my Mobile Phone or my laptop depending on where I am during the day.
What social networks do you use regularly (e.g. Twitter, Instagram)? Why do you belong to these networks in particular?
I would always be on Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp or Facebook.